Kick Chaos To The Curb Once And For All!
Get Instant Access To The MyTOYS™ Mini-Course For An Inside Look At How Entrepreneurs Like You Can Amplify Your Results Using The MyTOYS™ Framework (For JUST $14!)

YEP! I'll Teach You The Same Framework That Allowed Me To Step Away From My Business For Over 10 YEARS So I Could Be Home To Raise My Kiddos!
(For Just $14!!!)

From Darrell Sutherland
Seattle, WA

What's up fellow entrepreneurs!

We’re all running hard to serve others and ultimately achieve our vision and dreams, but don't we seem to always run out of day before we run out of stuff to get done? 

This was the challenge I fought for many years, along with every other honest entrepreneur out there... We may have chosen this glorious lifestyle, but we had no idea what we were really signing up for!

Hey guys, Darrell Sutherland here, and as a mentor of many years, I always like to ask problem and end result questions because it's critical to know WHAT you are trying to solve, and of course, the end result – or your WHY. 

So, I have a couple questions for you...

First of all, how do you know if you’re working on the right stuff each day or in the right areas to actually get you where you really want to go? 

The next part is critical to understand your result – or your BIG WIN – and in this case, it’s the ultimate resource: your precious TIME. Remember... once it’s gone, it’s gone! 

So let me ask you...

If you had an extra hour or two in your day, how would you invest it? 🤔

⚾️  A game of catch with your kids?
🚤  Wakeboarding behind your new boat?
😴  Recharging with some much-needed sleep?
🌹  A special date night with your significant other?
🏔  A nice hike in the mountains?
👨‍🍳  Preparing a home-cooked meal with your family?

As entrepreneurs in a world full of endless distractions, we could all use a couple extra hours in the day… At least, that’s what we dream about, right?

But what if I told you there's a way to make these things a reality WITHOUT wishing on shooting stars for that extra precious time to magically appear in your day?

My secret? My proprietary tool, "The MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework."

This is my simple, yet highly effective framework for developing true freedom by squeezing maximum life and productivity out of every day you've been given, without sacrificing any aspect of your life – your Health, Relationships, Recreation, or Wealth. 

Now, before I give you access to the MyTOYS™ Mini-Course, I want to give you a little backstory as to how it came about and why it's so powerful...

Believe me, this was not something I just sat down and brainstormed one day until *poof* ...MAGIC! I've invested nearly 2 DECADES implementing and refining this system in my own daily life, and now I want to help YOU get the same, or even better results.

So, here's how it really came about...

Do you remember that kid in class who couldn’t sit still for more than 2 seconds at a time? You know… the one who was constantly spinning or rocking in their chair, obnoxiously clicking their pen and disrupting, or daydreaming staring out the window?

That was me 🙋‍♂️… the ADD, OCD, and Dyslexic kid who didn’t think or learn quite like the others. In fact, they even tried to move me into special classes because of it, but my Dad wasn’t having any part of that... He told them I was staying normal classes and that they better figure out how to entertain me! 

So, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I'd rather stick a fork in my GOOD eye than try to sit down and schedule out every second of my life in some fancy regimented planner! 🥴

The challenge was, once I was out of school and working to build my manufacturing business, running back and forth between tasks like a chicken with it’s head cut off led to complete chaos, all kinds of self-induced pain, and very little productivity.

My health started slipping, my relationships were falling apart, I had no time to enjoy the things I loved... 

But I realized something...

 We ALL have 24 hours in a day...
So it's not necessarily that we don't have enough time, it's that most of us have no idea how to effectively utilize the time we DO have!

And THAT, my friends, was the epiphany that sparked the initial MyTOYS™ concept many, many years ago. 

I won't spill all the cool details and strategies here, but I will say this: 


...and how SELFISH would it be to keep it all to myself!?

In fact, the framework I'm about to teach you allowed me to step away from the day-to-day operations of my business for over 10 YEARS so I could be home to raise my kiddos… and I've now been free for nearly 20 years.

I'd say that's a BIG WIN!

So, if all it did was help you “buy back” even just two hours of your day that could now be invested in your growth or enjoying time with friends and family...


Imagine how incredible it would feel to finally have control over your time!

If you're a busy entrepreneur desperately searching for the "big secret" behind managing a growing business, maintaining your health, spending quality time with the people you care about, shuffling the kids between activities, keeping the house clean, plus the million other things on your schedule...

Then it's definitely time for a little MyTOYS™ in your life.

In the past, I've really only shared this framework with close friends and clients and I could easily justify charging hundreds of dollars for it considering the incredible results I've experienced in my own life.

Think about it... As an entrepreneur, you must understand what your service is worth to your market. What’s an hour of your time actually worth? $50, $100, $500 per hour? 

If MyTOYS™ could help streamline and harvest the equivalent of two hours or more per day, what would that be worth to you? This is a big deal and really critical for you to analyze. 

After several unfortunate wake-up calls in my lifetime, I was forced to realize something...
We have no way of knowing how much we have left.
From my own experiences, and so many others I've worked with, entrepreneurship is an intense lifestyle that can take a brutal toll on other aspects of our lives... 

I cannot stand the idea of other entrepreneurs, especially those of us who are parents, getting so wrapped up in their businesses and the desire to make money, that they sacrifice their own health and damage their relationships with their families the way that I did early on. 

So, my gift to you... I've decided to share the MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course,
For Only $14.00
Yes, you read that correctly... for about the price of a Chipotle burrito, chips & guac, I'll teach you the game-changing framework I invested 2 DECADES to refine and prove, that radically improved the quality of my life and business, as well as many others'. 

But I don't want YOU to waste decades of YOUR life trying to figure it all out! As soon as you implement and commit to the MyTOYS™ strategy, it will help you "buy back" your precious time and develop the freedom to truly live life on your terms!
YES DARRELL! Give Me Instant Access To The MyTOYS™ Mini-Course RIGHT NOW For Just $14.00!
Full Disclosure, There Are A Few Things You Should Probably Know
I do not have college degrees covering my office walls...

I am not a doctor or board certified anything...

I am not some guru teaching you from a course or weekend training I bought online and went learned last weekend...

I'm a real-life entrepreneur of 30+ years, an investor, and a mentor with a ton of wisdom and experience to share, having faced plenty of hardships for one lifetime...
  • My dad abandoned us when I was 12
  • ​Tragically lost my role-model brother at 29
  • ​Lost my left eye in a fluke bungee cord accident at 27
  • ​Overcame food & alcohol addictions 
  • Gained and lost over 100 pounds
  • Destroyed nearly all my relationships
  • ​And plenty of business challenges to handle
I know how to help you because I understand the pain points of entrepreneurship, and I've experienced first-hand what you're Currently, or soon to be going through. 
That said, I want to make sure this is the best $14 you've ever spent, so...
When You Get The MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course For Just $14.00
You'll Also Get These Bonuses 100% FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 - MyTOYS™ Slide Deck
The Ultimate Reference Guide

$37 Value (Yours FREE!)

It's so easy to miss important information when you're trying to listen to a presenter, process what they're saying, analyze the slides, and frantically take notes all at the same time... Talk about frustrating, right!?

Since the MyTOYS™ framework and training is supposed to help ELIMINATE the chaos and frustration, not create more of it, I decided to give you a copy of my entire slide deck as a bonus. 

This will allow you to focus more on what is actually said in the presentation as opposed to scribbling down notes and worrying about missing slides. 
Get This For FREE When You Purchase The MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course Today! 
FREE BONUS #2 - Presentation Transcripts
"Wait...What Did He Just Say? 🤔"

$17 Value (Yours FREE!)

You know how it goes. One thought sparks another, leading to another, and next thing you know, that slide with the angry bird somehow reminded you of that one time in third grade when you accidentally wore your t-shirt inside out... 

But guess what... While your mind was playing connect the dots, the presentation kept on rolling and now you're 6 minutes into the video wondering, "Wait... what did he just say?" 🙃

So, I went ahead and transcribed my entire presentation so you'll never have to worry about missing a word. This is a great tool for highlighting and/or note-taking as you go through the training, as well as an easy reference guide in the future. 
Get This For FREE When You Purchase The MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course Today! 
FREE BONUS #3 - The 'Live Your Intentional Life' Worksheet
Learn How To Implement MyTOYS™ In Your Own Life

$27 Value (Yours FREE!)

Knowledge means next to nothing without massive intention and consistent action. That means simply teaching you the MyTOYS™ strategy in a video is a great start, but it's not enough to get you the results you deserve!

So, I put together this 'Live Your Intentional Life' Worksheet to help you act on what you learned in the video.

This will help you identify some areas in your life with room for immediate results so you can stack up a few quick wins and develop the momentum for lasting transformation. 
Get This For FREE When You Purchase The MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course Today! 
FREE BONUS #4 - The 'lvn|kzn 4 Domains' Chapter From My New Book, Your Life Is Not Your Fault
MyTOYS™ + lvn|kzn = Exponential Results!

$37 Value (Yours FREE!)

Just about every aspect of your life falls into one of the 4 Domains, which serve as the foundation of my lvn|kzn model.

That said, it's critical to understand how to integrate the lvn|kzn model with the MyTOYS™ framework in order to achieve the BEST results possible across ALL aspects of your life. 
Get This For FREE When You Purchase The MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course Today! 
Again, you're getting access to the entire thing... the 2-part MyTOYS™ training, plus my entire slide deck, presentation transcripts, the 'Live Your Intentional Life' worksheet, and the entire "lvn|kzn 4 Domains" chapter from my book... all for just fourteen bucks!

For real entrepreneurs, this training will be the difference between a healthy, free, and joy-filled lifestyle, versus a life of pure chaos and pain that will inevitably lead to burnout... which is why I want to help you learn and implement this strategy in your own life AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, without costing you a fortune in the process. 

And the best part?


Maybe you're wondering, "Okay, D, there's gotta be some kind of catch here..."

But the reality is, THERE ISN'T ONE!!!

There are tons of shady internet marketing schemes out there designed to rope you into some hidden subscription model, but you can rest assured that this is NOT one of them. 

After 30+ years in the world of business and entrepreneurship, I've learned that one thing is for certain: 

No one makes it on their own. 

I certainly wouldn't be half the person I am today if it weren't for the great mentors I've had in my life, so my greatest passion now is paying it forward by sharing the wisdom and experiences that have helped me along the way... And this is just one of the ways I am doing that. 

I should warn you, however...
Time Is Of The Essence...

I Can't Guarantee This Offer Will Last Forever.

There's a good chance the price could go up or the offer could be discontinued altogether in the future... 

Afterall, like I mentioned before, at scale I could easily justify charging a few hundred bucks for this training given the results I've seen in my own life, and others I've shared the MyTOYS™ framework with. 

Imagine "buying back" just TWO additional hours of free time each day that could now be invested in personal growth, new hobbies, or simply enjoying time with friends and family...
 What impact would it have on your overall joy?
 How Would It benefit other areas of your life?   
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I 100% guarantee that you'll find tremendous value in the MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course, or I'll return your $14 and let you keep the training and resources anyway, no questions asked. 

Just send me a quick email within 15 days of your purchase and I'll go ahead and issue your refund. Sound fair?
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get When You Purchase The MyTOYS™ Mini-Course:
  • Instant Access To The MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course (Value $127)
  • The MyTOYS™ Slide Deck (Value $37)
  • ​Presentation Transcripts (Value $17)
  • ​The 'Live Your Intentional Life' Worksheet (Value $27)
  • ​The 'lvn|kzn 4 Domains' Chapter From My Book, Your Life Is Not Your Fault (Value $37)
Total Value: $245
Today Just $14
With that said, I hope this framework adds a little "life" to your life, and makes a real impact in your world as it did mine.

This will be the best $14 dollars you've ever spent if you actually use it. 

Darrell Sutherland
P.S. – If you're like me and you scrolled straight to the bottom of the page to find out what the offer was, here's the rundown: 

Time is your most valuable resource... It is SO precious. You can't just hop on Amazon or stop into your neighborhood Walmart to buy more of it...

So, I'm giving you instant access to the MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course ($127 value) to help you conquer the chaos of entrepreneurship and "buy back" some of your precious time

This is the SAME framework that helped me confidently step away from the day-to-day operations of my business for over 10 YEARS so I could be home to raise my kiddos! 

AND... since I cannot stand the idea of other entrepreneurs getting so wrapped up in their business and the desire to make money, that they sacrifice their own health and damage their relationships with their families the way that I did early on...

I'm also giving you $118 dollars worth of amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE to help you get the BEST results possible with this framework.

YEP! I'm practically GIVING you $245 worth of life-changing material for ONLY $14!

Just click the button below and I'll give you instant access to this treasure chest of value that is guaranteed to change your life!
YES DARRELL! Give Me Instant Access To The MyTOYS™ Mini-Course NOW For Just $14.00 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Here's Everything You're Getting:
  • Instant Access To The MyTOYS™ Freedom Framework Mini-Course (Value $127)
  • The MyTOYS™ Slide Deck (Value $37)
  • Presentation Transcripts (Value $17)
  • ​'Live Your Intentional Life' Worksheet (Value $27)
  • The 'lvn|kzn 4 Domains' Chapter From My Book, Your Life Is Not Your Fault (Value $37)
Total Value: $245
Today Just $14

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $7: Want the ‘Essential Resources Guide’ that reveals the overlooked secret to developing true Joy and Freedom in your life? (HINT: Time may be your most valuable resource, but it is only 1 of 4 essential pieces to the puzzle!) True Freedom cannot be achieved without all 4 components working FOR you and in conjunction with each other, and the Essential Resources Guide will reveal how. Click YES to add this to your order now for just $7... This offer is only available right here, right now!

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Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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